Sustainability Initiatives
It would be pretty silly if a festival & organization striving to protect the environmental heritage of our rural lands didn’t make an effort to reduce our own impact on the environment. We prefer to limit our silliness to our dance moves.
Local food & drink: We will source locally where we can. The festival is on a farm after all.
No water bottles: A water bottle fill station will be freely available for attendees to use. Clean second-hand reusable water bottles will be available by donation.
Compost & recycling: Bins to accept recycling and compost will be spaced throughout the venue. Organics in landfill produce powerful methane gasses which drive climate change. Composting and recycling reduces emissions and allows a resource to be reused.
Recyclable / compostable containers: Vendors will serve food & drink in containers that are recyclable or compostable.
Transportation: We will do everything we can to ensure choosing the most sustainable way here is easy as pie.
Sustainability is a community effort! What other initiatives should we adopt to reduce our impact? Send us your sustainability ideas.